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![]() Pictures | Concerts | Sweet Sayings | Jackass Moments | Things liked | Things despised | Contact ME!!!!!!!
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() most of these are those "you had to be there"
![]() kind of things. So if you don't get it just smile and nod.
![]() ![]() ![]() 4/22/00 - Hoven street in between the cheeze factory and the baseball field (it's 30!)
![]() Getting the speeding ticket. ouch baby very ouch
![]() 8/15/00 - Aberdeen
Me and Tonya stole the Chris Mobile and went cruising around in Aberdeen. We had good reason though- they locked us in and wouldn't let us out to look at cars.
9/23/00- Aberdeen
Me, Becky, Robin, and Brandon went to the sucky movie BRING IT ON. Then we stole some signs but that wasnt all that stupid - just really fun.
9/30/00- Aberdeen (see a pattern?)
We went to BRING IT ON............ AGAIN!!!!
Damn we are stupid
10/2/00- Hoven
Me & Tami stole Matt's car and parked it in the softball field. He was extremely pissed although he went a whole 1 min. without finding it, and even though he thinks its hilarious to take other people's cars.
But it was still funny!
11/7/00- on the way to MinneApolis
Tonya thought that the snow on the signs was spray paint... she said "why would someone spray paint every one of these signs"... me and becky were like ummm... you're an idiot
11/8/00- MinneApolis
Becky, Me, Jeff, & Brady missing out on a HUGE opportunity at the hotel to meet some certain people... how stupid are we really?
jeff's whole - my house is on fire! my house is on fire!! thing those damn walky talkies were great
11/20/00- Hoven Band Room
Holly hits herself in the face with her saxaphone mouthpiece while doing a trill. That kinda had to hurt...
11/20/00- Hoven math room
Instead of "TRIANGLE" as the answer- becky puts "tri-gon".
12/05/00- Hoven
Matt Robin and I had a lotta fun spinnin cookies all over Hoven. It was pretty stupid but it was fun. especially when we almost hit the grade school. lumi almost died
Faulkton- Brandon broke the greasy food maker thing at the convenient store so we had to sit there while he fixed it. what a momo.
Lebanon- While walking to my car Becky seriously fell on the ice. It had to be kinda painful
Hoven- The first thing becky said on the phone was "Is this the Indian radio station?"
Then she makes a request from me and britt telling John Taken Alive he had a good
game... and yes they said it. That made us look really smart i'm sure.
Then the genious dedicates it to brenda and brittany rader from hoven and while still
on the phone asks me what i would like dedicated to myself.
12/20/00- my house
Matt and I trying to hook up the DVD player. That was VERY stupid of us.
01/25/01- Hoven Gym
Becky , KC, and I singing 'I will survive' at the concession stand with kitchen utensils. But that wasn't really stupid even though it really looked stupid.
03/??/01 - Hoven Streets
Matt, Chrissy and I stole Sara Van Well's car (see picture section) and almost got caught by Kim.
That would have been majorly bad if she saw.
04/09/01 - Hoven High School
Becky spilled her plant dirt for that stupid physics thing all over making an interesting mess.
04/09/01 - whenever - everywhere
Completely neglecting to write every stupid thing was very stupid.
07/23/01 - Tolstoy
Standing outside in our field and watching a tornado that was about a mile away. When you think about it, that was extremely stupid.
![]() 09/10/01 - Early morning Hoven streets.
White washing. so much fun stuff happened it was great.
Car tag!!
Becky not spelling Balloon right
Zweeb taking off in Bach's pickup down main while it made that unhealthy sound was hilarious
Kari's car getting Toilet papered on the lawn... Becky's cubby hole breaking
Becky writing map, sap, lap.. and so on
Zweeb writing HERE TURN BRITT, and not spelling football right.
Becky stating that she was really glad that no one vandalized her car, before realizing that her car couldn't be vandalized becuase we were in it all night.
09/27/01 -
Kicking Brenda Arbach in the head on the way home from the Barnett Center game. The whole crouching brenda hidden brenda thing... smothering Leah - hes in the "HOT SEAT" - singing on the bus, almost getting my front teeth knocked out by leah's elbow.
i think that was a different game but oh well.
11/10/01 - Pollock BBALL
Playing lightning in the dark, singing loving you all the way down there.
16/10/01 - Hoven Gym
Renea Sandve momentarily forgetting she doesn't go to school here anymore walks into our locker room, and realizing that she plays for Bowdle, walked all the way through and out of the other side to try to save face. Unfortunately we all saw her.
11/?/01 - Hoven computer lab
Ray sunshine; tennies shoes; bad chedder... this will be the best yearbook ever.
11/12/01 ? i think - Hoven Library
Me getting my hands all full of acid after Jerry dropped that copper thing in the tube in chemistry.
It itched all day.
12/22/01 - The Ron Arbach household
Rebecca Arbach manages to kill both of her fish. Oh wait they both weren't hers...
12/29/01 - The Rapid City Menards
Robin was bored and sulking in Menards when she violently ran into a steel pole, leaving a chunk of hair and a nice piece of flesh sticking to it. I hope to get a picture of her mangled face for on here.
01/5/02 - Mobridge VB Tourny
Pet Store - Leah, Michelle, Kim-may and I went to the pet store and had a lot of fun with some ferrets.
We didn't smell the best and when we got back we put on perfume which made it worse, like Leah said, we smelled like perfumed ferrets. Michelle said that we were wearing "Ferret... in Calvin Klein"
Slumberland - Leah, Michelle, Lori, Danielle, and I went to the Mobridge Slumberland and relaxed on thier awesome gliding chairs, spreading our wonderful ferret scent. Later on we spent about 45 minutes posing in the store windows waiting for people to walk by. That was the most fun I've ever had at a VB game. Pics of both of these are in the pics section, naturally
01/15/02 - Hoven Gym
Rebecca and I scrubbing the stage floor with her grandma's hairspray trying to get the damn spray paint off.
0?/??/02 - Hoven Gym
Whatever day it was when we gave blood: warning do NOT take off the bandage thing! they put it there for a reason!!!!! I took mine off during volleyball and my vein was shooting blood at people. it was crazy. special thanks to Michelle who saved me
01/19/02 - YTC championship game - Bowdle Gym
Jamie Bachman. Last few minutes of the game takes off running in the wrong direction in front of many, many people. i've never laughed that hard at a basketball game ever
02/28/02 - District Championships at the Barnett Center
on the way home- the fact that we left Aberdeen at 10:44, drove the speed limit to warner, but somehow arrived at the Hoven gym to drop off chrissy and holly at 11:30. It probably wasn't the smartest idea to drive that fast, but oh well.
and the whole slamming on the breaks thing. hopefully I didn't hurt tonya too badly
03/07/02 - Play Practice
Rebecca Arbach (aka Miss Seniorita Jaunita Fandango) runs out onto the stage, slipped on her tap shoes and fell flat on her ass. you had to totally be there but it was funny as hell
03/09/02 - Lunders Residence
The whole Tracy thing was great, but the Crisco was just nasty.
knocking over the pool table was kind of funny too.
it was kind of jackass of us to go to aberdeen afterwards that same night, but once again oh well.
03/14/02 - no where really
The yearbook - heinz, serfing, sunshine. This yearbook could not be better if it had to.
03/16/02 - salvation army in aberdeen
the cat shirt
I dont think it looked too great driving up to the salvation army in a yukon denali, walking in with leather and columbia coats and docks on. that just wasn't right.
experiencing colby lol too bad he lives in del rapids, right tonya?
03/19/02 - AmericInn in Chanhassen
Jamie Bachman humping Blue was about the best thing i've ever seen
and I'm also surprised they allowed us to do basket tosses and cheering stunts in the pool
03/27/02 - Hoven Church (i was actually there)
Our class is the only class that managed to screw up the living stations.
04/01/02 - Hoven Main St.
DAMN COPS! i got picked up for the 2nd time tonight, but it was only a warning for
"dangling objects".
I've had those objects dangling for over a year now and no other cop cared.
that damn cop must have eyes like a fucking hawk considering it was NIGHT!!
![]() 05/17/02 - Hoven Main St.
Putting over 100 miles on my car driving up and down main...
probably shouldn't do that very often!
05/24/02 - Sioux Falls
DO NOT eat at TGI FRIDAYS!! EVER!!! its an EVIL PLACE!!!
and the HARTOON bitches. or maybe it should be hartung? considering he has 6 bitches he should be one rich pimp.
especially from one bitch in particular hahahaha!
06/16/02 - Somewhere around Minneapolis
Michael using some of his well earned farm knowledge to tell us that because the cows were laying in the grass, it is going to snow.
After asking Robin where my belt is, she helped me out by telling me that I was already wearing it.
The pen fight was pretty damn fun too.
TWITCH!!!!!!!! that was funny on so many levels.
06/27/02 - Aberdeen
Theresa and I driving by our destination in Aberdeen 3 times before finally realizing we were right beside it. and we discovered that more people wave to you when you have your hands out the windows and sunroof.
06/20somthin/02 - internet
Tonya mistaking the camaro in my pictures to be a ford probe
yeah almost, you were close
i mean, they both have wheels
06/27/02 - Hoven
"If I liked cheese, I would be really pissed off."
07/01/02 - Hoven
After getting some Chiquila from Ranette and throwing it out of my window, Pepper, Amber and I went back to look for it, but we couldn't find the puddle or the glass: ARE YOU LOOKING FOR SOMETHING?!?!?!?!?!?!
I think we kinda pissed Netty off: YOU LOOK LIKE A HAIRY MONKEY!!!
poor Michael, we played a really mean trick on him that same night. If we had known he would have taken it seriously, we never would have been that cruel and unusual. That was probably the most evil thing I have ever done.
07/02/02 - Streets of Hoven
Hitting that bump by the softball field going like 60 in Amber's Citation. oh my god
I can't believe that vehicle still runs
07/03/02 - Hoven (it was a great week)
Successfully kiping the object that we need to go through with another joke, that is going to be hilarious! It was so obvious when we stole it, I wonder if the person even misses it.
And don't bother asking because I will not tell you.
07/07/02 - My house
Completely redoing all kinds of shit on this webpage, and stupidly not saving it, so it all got deleted.
I am such an idiot.
07/08/02 - Hoven KC Hall
First of all, Michael giving me that awesome sign he made for in my car
"I'd flip you off, but my finger is crooked and you'd just laugh at me."
Then the poor guy almost passed out giving blood. That would have been very funny to see!
07/10/02 - Hoven
First of all, my neighberly neighbor Matt giving Monte it's first official injury while playing the honking game up and down main street. Then we got really bored and played follow the leader, which was actually really fun.
While playing follow the leader, we saw some Carnies come through town! Real circus folk, it was crazy. So we spelled out Carny at the grade school, with some posts or something.
This was after we went ba-ha'n in matt's family van. Poor Cody and I had to sit in the way back where there were no seats, facing backwards. It was really fun flying around back there, but we both got extremely car sick, while playing the dumb and dumber song over and over and over again.
And I got a massively painful burn on my back from his stupid seat. But it was still cool.
07/16/02 - Streets of Hoven
During a very well played game of car tag (which Michael and I won!! regardless of what Leah will tell you), Charli tried to outrun the seekers after being spotted, which led to a very intense high speed car chase on the West side.
Fortunately, Jessi managed to call in the plates and call us for backup, so we could cut off thier escape. It's a very good thing that Charli's brakes work as well as they do, because we literally cut them off.
Walkie-Talkies make car tag a LOT more fun!
7/19/02 - Hoven Golf Course
Tia and I moonlight golfing in the middle of a lightening storm- last time I checked golf clubs were made of METAL! Then it started to rain, it was great watching everyone haul ass back to the country club.
I highly recommend moonlight golfing.
10/12/02 - Hoven Main Street
I got ANOTHER TICKET - I swear cops have a special radar just for me. "There's Brenda Simon- LETS GET HER!"
I totally stopped at that stop sign and they know it. bastards. I have Michael as a witness (Like they will believe us)
Earlier that night, Jason Shaykett wanted to race down main street. I was winning until we approached the legion field, where Shaykett continued to fly over the bump and run over a tree and a post. We had to get Joe Hartung's pickup to get it out.
That was great.
11/30/02 - Hoven Legion Hall
The Wedding... need I say More??
12/20/02 - Brady's House
Robin and I were bored in Hoven, so Michael's car got some TP. We drove around and waited for him to come out, but we got bored waiting and left.
12/26/02 - Hoven streets
Once again, Robin and I were bored so we were spinning cookies in the parking lot at the grade school with Monte and Whitey.
I missed abusing the Lumi more than I realized. Fortunately, Luke is taking care of the whole abuse thing... poor lumi
Later on that night, Amber and I were bored and decided to TP mike's car again with a load of TP. this time we actually waited for him to come out, then we tore up the streets of Hoven again.
12/27/02 - Tolstoy - Sioux Falls - Aberdeen - Tolstoy
I stupidly agreed to accompany Robin to Sioux Falls this morning. I had to get up at 4 (which sucked because I was dumb and went to bed at like 2:45) After Su Fu we traveled to Aberdeen to watch the girls bball teams. That was the first time that I have been in Sioux Falls and Aberdeen in the same day. It was kind of strange.
Bowling that night was crazy. I actually fell in the bowling lane. I guess that's why they want you to wear those gay shoes.
![]() Disclaimer: This page and or pages is made purely for entertainment purposes only.
![]() There are no hidden messages.It was intended in no way to physically or emotionally hurt, harm, or piss anyone off.
![]() If this happens to you, TOO DAMN BAD- it's your problem and NOT mine
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